Thursday, September 30, 2010

Egg Bag - September 2010


This month's meeting began with a discussion about November's guest lecture - Michael Vincent. Many of the members in attendance seemed very excited about the prospect of having Michael come to us from the UK. I would like to personally thank fellow member Matt Hiller for initially bringing us the news about Michael Vincent's availability and for getting the ball rolling.

Following the News and Announcements we proceeded with September's theme - "Show and Tell Us … Who". In this month's theme each member performed an effect that was taught to them or inspired by one or more of their favorite magicians. Our members came up with some very interesting effects and revelations.

Starting us off was …

Erik Feinberg - who performed a few iPod app tricks including: "X Card" by Filipe Freitas, "iKnow Your Age" by iMagic Apps, and "No Freakin Way" by Carl R Andrews. His inspiration was Steve Jobs - the man who help make these iPod magic/entertainment apps possible.   

Matt Hiller - presented "The Force That Can Not Be". This was a very interesting effect using a piece of wire that magically reshaped itself into the form of the spectator's card. Matt stated that he learned this effect from Eugene Burger, a highly respected magician.

Theo Rushin - demonstrated the separation between girls and boys by performing the "Ultimate Oil and Water". I was inspired by Dwight Redman to learn and perform more packet tricks. I found them to be a great way to entertain someone with a effect that is quick, visual, and impactful at a moments notice.

Scott McDonald - entertained us with the "Sailor Card Trick". It was taught to him by another sailor as one way to get free drinks.

Hugh Turley - entertained us with a wonderful effect involving a Chop Stick, two rings, and a Chinese Princes Robe. The effect was called "The Chinese Princess Trick". He learned this effect from Bob MCallister and then in turn taught it to James Munton.

Noland Montgomery - graced us with a portion of his street magic act by performing a routine involving a coin purse frame and sponge balls. Carl Andrews was his inspiration for his routine.

Dwight Redman - performed for us an oldie but goodie, "The Magic Ring Escape". His routine involved a borrowed ring that was trapped and locked onto a brass bolt with a nut and lock. Under the cover of a hank he was able to effortlessly make the ring vanish only to reappear in a locked box. He bought this effect a long time ago from the famed Al Cohen.

And that brought an end to September's meeting. The theme for next month - October 20th - will be "Show and Tell Us … How". This will be a bit of a teach-in for our members. Each member in attendance will demonstrate an effect and/or routine and hopefully answer one or more of the following questions:
  • HOW to make this effect more entertaining.
  • HOW did I change this effect to make it my own.
  • HOW does this effect/routine fit my character.
I would like to thank everyone who attended this month's meeting. Your attendance contributes much to the success of this organization. We value each and every one of your opinions and views and I feel that we all can learn something from each other. I look forward to seeing each of you at our next meeting.

Thank You,

Theo Rushin Jr.
Vice President - S.A.M. Assembly 23

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Egg Bag - August 2010

Summertime brings about warm weather, sunny days, and family vacations. So there was no surprise that our happy little group of Compeers was somewhat smaller than usual. We began to gather for dinner in our usual meeting place, the backroom lounge of the National Press Club, but found that the previous storms disabled some of the lighting in that room. Fortunately we found refuge in the well lit area of the balcony dinning space.

In the absence of our newly elected President, Cristian Lavidra, Theo Rushin lead the meeting starting with a few announcements including:
  • The Magician’s Alliance of Easter States convention starts August 19th.
  • The NEW S.A.M. Assembly 23 web site is complete. All that is left is to acquire the domain name and hosting account.
The announcements were followed by the drawing for the Larry West Prize – a $100 gift certificate or check to be spent at the magic shop of the winner’s choosing! The Winner of the 2010 Larry West Prize was awarded to ... (drum roll please) … Noland Montgomery!

The theme for this night’s meeting was “Show and Tell Us … Why”. In accordance with the theme each magician must perform an effect AND then tell us “WHY” they chose that effect. Many of the members were caught by surprise with this announcement but everyone stepped up to the challenge and entertained the group with one or more tricks and their explanation.

First up was …

Noland – started off with a trick involving a borrowed, signed $10 bill. He followed it with a card trick and then finished by finding the borrowed, signed $10 bill in a Sharpie marker. Why? He wanted to test out a new routine that he can use in his street magic set.

Turley – started with a gag, Bed Bugs. This was followed by Turley’s Triangle, a fantastic effect where no matter how many dimes were added to a triangle of dimes each side always added up equally. Why? He just wanted to do what he knows best.

Dwight – performed a ring penetration onto a small sword. The effect was called Samurai Sword. Why? He wanted to dust off this old effect and present it to the group (at the request of yours truly)

Matt – performed the Butterfly Effect (using the 2004 movie as its premise) using a deck of cards. Why? He really likes Joshua Jay.

Apurea – performed a mentalist effect by exploring the mind. His effect was called Intuition (evidently I had Julia Roberts on my mind). Why? He wanted to practice this effect for an upcoming performance.

Eric – performed the mini Zig-Zag, Ring on Wand Box, Clearly Mental, and Cubio. Why? He wanted to try out some of the oldies but goodies.

Lars – performed Card in Zip Lock Bag (very similar to Witness) and Solo. Why? Those effects just happened to be what he was working on.

Theo – performed Rubik Predicted as he spoke about his obsession for the Rubik’s Cube. Why? I really do love the Rubik’s Cube.

That wrapped up our meeting for Wednesday, August 18th. Next month’s theme will be “Show and Tell Us … Who” where, each member must perform a trick that was inspired by one or more of their favorite magicians AND then reveal to us who that magician is.

I would like to thank those who chose to brave our hot summer weather, managed to fight the downtown traffic, and was able to survive our strong summer storms in order to attend our meeting. Our assembly offers more than a chance show off the latest trick. It also helps to foster community, fellowship, and education in our magical arts. Every gathering of our local assembly 23 brings about a chance to strengthen the bonds between each of our members and represent to the world around us that we are indeed a part of “the oldest and most prestigious magician’s society in the world!”

Thank You,

Theo Rushin Jr.
Vice President - S.A.M. Assembly 23