Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pictures from the October Meeting

Former SAM national president George Schindler is
greeted by SAM 23 President Larry Lipman

Former SAM national president George Schindler gave SAM 23
Vice President Matt Hiller his new-member pin and certificate

Monday, October 15, 2007

Egg Bag - October 2007


Monthly Newsletter of the Larry West Assembly No. 23

Society of American Magicians

The Larry West Assembly meets the 3rd Wednesday every month at the National Press Club, at 14th and F Streets, N.W. in Washington, D.C.

Join us for magic, fun & fellowship. Cocktails start at 6 p.m., dinner at 6:30 and the Meeting at 8 p.m. Dress code: please remember that the Assembly is a guest of the National Press Club. Gentlemen should dress business casual or better–no Tee-shirts, shorts, jeans or flip-flops to the dinner meetings. Ladies should dress correspondingly appropriately.



George Schindler will be our featured lecturer at the October meeting. You won’t want to miss this! Those who have had the good luck to see George perform before know him as a very funny and entertaining performer who presents highly commercial magic. In addition, George is a dean of and past president of the Society of American Magicians. He has authored nine books on magic, is a leading authority on the art of ventriloquism, a celebrated comedy magician, lecturer and a Gold Star member of London’s prestigious Inner Magic Circle. George also is an inductee of the Society of American Magicians Hall of Fame and has been honored with the Milbourne Christopher Life Time achievement Award for Magic.

The lecture is free to members who are paid-up. If you are in arrears, you can still attend the lecture free by paying your dues ($10) at or prior to the October meeting. Magicians who are not members are welcome but will be charged $10 at the door. Please help get the word out to non-member magicians that they are invited to join us for this lecture.


November-Holiday magic

December-“Show us what you want to show us”

January-Love Story (Valentine day magic)

February-“Show us what you want to show us”

March-“Show us what you want to show us”

April-“Show us what you want to show us”

May-“Show us what you want to show us”


President - Larry Lippman

Vice President - Matt Hiller

Treasurer - Noland Montgomery

Secretary - Ray Eyler

Egg-Bag Reporter–Sam Brothers