Tuesday, December 09, 2014

December meeting Dec. 17

The Society of American Magicians, Assembly 23. the Larry West Assembly, will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 17, at our traditional meeting place—The National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC on the 14th Floor, starting at 8 p.m. If you can, come an hour early for dinner before the meeting starts. I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!

Larry Lipman
President-Assembly 23


December Theme

This month's theme, in keeping with our year-long Hitchcock-movie theme, is "The Man Who Knew Too Much."  Hitchcock made two versions, one in 1934 and again in 1956.  We're doing the 1956 version starring James Stewart and Doris Day.

As always, this is only the suggested theme, so if you have some other routine you would like to showcase, or are working on and would like to try out in front of the group, feel free to do so and depart from this month's theme.

REMINDER, Members of Assembly 23 will perform Saturday, Dec. 13 at the National Press Club's annual Holiday Party from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.